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Leader: Ms Kerry Brydon
Singapore Term 4 2006 (Flexible)
Synopsis: This unit introduces students to a life course perspective on human development. The course emphasises the importance of human development to social work practice and the development of social work interventions.
Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to: 1. articulate an understanding of the importance of human development to social work practice; 2. identify and discuss the developmental tasks that confront people throughout their life course; 3. critically explore whether human development perspectives are common across ethnic, national and cultural identity even through behaviour is acquired, maintained and changed in different contexts; 4. demonstrate and articulate a beginning capacity to integrate human development theory with social work skills and intervention; and 5. begin to develop skills in team work.
Assessment: Essay (2000 words): 30% + Autobiographic analysis (2500 words): 50% + Class presentation (in small groups): 20%