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Undergraduate |
Leader: Ms Ailsa Rickards
Gippsland Second semester 2006 (Day)
MILDURA Second semester 2006 (Day)
Synopsis: This unit will prepare students for graduate practice in a rural setting. It introduces principles of management and professional issues as they apply to health care and organisational structures in rural health. The unit demystifies work practices and requires students to evaluate the role and contribution to rural practice of interpersonal skills, stress management, leadership, teamwork, case management, multidisciplinary decision-making, critical incident debriefing and formal reports and submissions. It requires students to explore the opportunities for continuing education, professional affiliation and career advancement in rural nursing practice as a basis for planning a career path.
Objectives: On completion of this unit students are expected to be able to: 1. develop a rural career path plan; 2. evaluate the contribution of leadership management and teamwork in facilitating case management and optimal health outcomes; 3. apply a range of problem solving and time management strategies to enhance the organisation of clinical workloads; 4. describe a range of effective stress management options that promote the nurses' ability to cope with challenging and critical incidents; 5. appreciate the importance of professional affiliation, life-long learning and maintaining clinical skills and knowledge of current trends and practices; and 6. submit clinical reports and applications in order to advance rural health outcomes. Clinical Objectives: 7. manage/case manage clinical problems appropriately; 8. practice with increasing independence; 9. demonstrate safe clinical practice based on sound theoretical knowledge; and 10. incorporate current research findings into practice.
Assessment: Assignment: 30% + Case study: 25% + Poster: 15% + Clinical report: 30%
Prerequisites: NUR3106, NUR3110