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Postgraduate |
Leader: A/Prof M Toole
MMS-ALFRED Second semester 2006 (Day)
Synopsis: The unit will cover the following topics: human nutrition from an evolutionary perspective; nutrition and the life cycle; global determinants of population nutrition; determinants of community and household food security; measurement of population and individual nutrition status; nutritional deficiencies of public health importance; management of acute energy malnutrition; nutrition and infection; famine detection, prevention and mitigation; nutritional impact of demographic and epidemiologic transition; maintaining food security and good nutrition; food safety issues.
Objectives: On completion of this subject, students will be able to: 1. identify and classify the major nutrients required for good human health and well-being; 2. analyse the major global and local determinants of adequate human nutrition; 3. assess the nutritional status of individuals and populations; 4. diagnose and manage acute malnutrition in children and adults; 5. identify the causative factors in the evolution of population nutrition emergencies; 6. plan programs to rehabilitate malnourished communities and to maintain and strengthen household food security; 7. understand the impact of rapid social, economic, and behavioural change on human nutrition in the form of chronic, non-communicable diseases.
Assessment: Short answer examination (50%), Essay - 3,000 words (50%)
Contact Hours: Partial block
Prerequisites: Basic computer proficiency