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Distribution channels and logistics ( 6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Mr Peter Dapiran

Peninsula Term 2 2006 (Off-campus)

Synopsis: Topics include supply chains and logistics; trade offs and total system approach; channel structure, function and design; postponement-speculation; selecting channel members; administrative patterns in channels, the evolution of vertical marketing systems; bases of power; channel leadership; conflict in distribution channels; customer service; pre-post and transaction elements; order cycle factors; product availability; costs of service; customer service policy making; service measurement and standards; parasuraman gap model; performance measurement; direct product profitability; distribution cost analysis; strategic profit model; supply management as an integral part of logistics.

Assessment: Assignment(s): 60% + Examination (2 hours): 40%

Contact Hours: 3 Hours class contact or equivalent per week