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Leader: Ms Lisa McKenna
Peninsula Second semester 2006 (Day)
Synopsis: Midwifery is a highly-skilled profession, hence time and scope to advance practical skills and knowledge is paramount for developing safe and responsive midwives. This practice unit will allow for further development of midwifery skills and identity, whilst incorporating new knowledge and skill. In doing so, it reflects the content of the theoretical units 'Midwives working with diversity' and 'Unpacking midwifery knowledge'. The unit is designed to allow students to apply theoretical understandings in the practice world, and to give practice underpinnings for theory development.
Objectives: On completion of this subject, the student will be expected to: 1. Develop a sense of becoming a midwife with emerging confidence and competence 2. Engender a passion for being a midwife and sharing the vision of the midwifery profession 3. Develop a consciousness of their attitudes, beliefs and values towards women and childbearing within a diverse cultural context 4. Construct an awareness of the journey of women through childbearing 5. Employ strategies to work with women in making the transition to parenthood which is viewed as an experience of growth and change 6. Integrate the knowledge and skills acquired from preceding subjects which inform the current stage of practice as a midwife 7. Critically reflect on self and practice as a midwife 8. Implement evidence-informed care when working with women 9. Demonstrate competency according to selected ACMI Competency Standards for Midwives (1998) 10. Document the ongoing relationship with the women they are following through in a way that reflects their own involvement and actions and the rationale for these, as well as the women's actions and attitudes and responses to midwifery care
Assessment: Reflective journal exercises and documentation of follow throughs: 50% + Clinical skills assessments (Hurdle requirement): pass/fail + Examination (2 hours): 50%
Contact Hours: 12 hours per week for 13 weeks
Prerequisites: MID1001, MID1101, MID1002, MID1003, MID2005, MID2006