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Mathematics for mechatronics ( 6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Dr Leo Brewin

Not offered in 2006.

Synopsis: Linear algebra: solution of linear systems, eigenvalue problems. ODEs: revise 1st-order and 2nd-order constant coefficient DEs, variation of parameters, systems of 1st-order DEs; Fourier series: periodic functions and trigonometric series, Euler formulae, even and odd functions, half-range expansions. Laplace transforms: definition, transforms of elementary functions, properties, solution of ODEs, inversion using tables. Statistics: probability theory, random variables, probability distributions, density functions, expectation, joint distributions, sampling, statistical inference, parameter estimates, confidence limits, hypothesis testing, quality control, linear regression and correlation.

Objectives: On completion of this unit students should be able to: 1. solve simultaneous equations using matrix techniques 2. calculate the eigenvalues of a square matrix 3. solve ordinary nth order DEs using standard techniques 4. calculate the Fourier coefficients of periodic functions 5. use the Laplace transform for solving ordinary DEs with simple driving functions 6. understand the concept of a random variable, and calculate their means and variances 7. understand probability distributions and the role of their parameters 8. perform hypothesis testing 9. perform linear regression and correlation calculations.

Assessment: Examination (3 hours) 70%, Tests and assignments 30%

Contact Hours: 3 hours lectures, 2 hours of practical classes and 7 hours of private study per week

Prerequisites: ENG1091

Prohibitions: GSE2703, MAT2902, MAT2911, MAT2912