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Trial practice and advocacy 506 ( 6 points, SCA Band 3, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Professor the Hon George Hampel QC

Clayton First semester 2006 (Day)
Clayton Second semester 2006 (Day)

Synopsis: Introductory lectures on basic advocacy concepts and techniques are conducted by Professor Hampel or by a senior member of the judiciary or the bar. Students participate in three workshops dealing with examination in chief, cross-examination and addresses. These workshops are conducted by advocacy teachers who are members of the Victorian bar and are trained Australian Advocacy Institute teachers. A series of eight mock jury trials are then conducted. Students must participate as counsel in one of these trials, and attend all others. This unit is subject to a quota. Applications are available from the Law Faculty website and close 3 December 2004.

Objectives: (1) To introduce students to trial practice and the role of the advocate in the adversary system; (2) To introduce students to basic advocacy skills and techniques in: conceptualisation and preparation, opening and closing addresses, examination of witnesses, cross examination, and communication skills in the court room; (3) To assess students' understanding of these skills and ability to perform them at a basic level.

Assessment: Written case theories, prepared jointly by students and both students receiving the same mark (1000 words): 2 x 5% + Oral assessment (trial): 20% + Final oral assessment: 70%

Contact Hours: 4 x 2 hour lectures followed by 3 x 3 hour workshops and attendance at 8 mock trials (one 3 hour lecture per week)

Prerequisites: LAW1100 or LAW1101 and LAW1102; LAW3300 or LAW3301 and LAW3302

Corequisites: LAW5159