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Comparative civil procedure 406 ( 6 points, SCA Band 3, 0.125 EFTSL)



Not offered in 2006.

Synopsis: This unit will compare the methods used to resolve disputes in the Common Law Legal Family and the Civil Law Legal Family. Through the Comparative method students will ascertain the fundamental elements of each system. The role of the judge at first instance will be critically analysed in both systems. The principles of orality, contestation and adherence to party disposition will be explored. The adversary system will be contrasted with the 'inquisitorial' adversary system. The continuing importance of the common law jury will be tested. Each step of litigation from the commencement through to the final disposition will be considered.

Objectives: To broaden the perspective of domestic students to a major legal system and its way of resolving disputes; To expose students to the comparative method; To expose students to the court system of a western culture nation of a different legal family and its laws; To cause students to reflect on their system of dispute resoltion, its aims and shortcomings.

Assessment: Examination (2 hours writing time plus 30 minutes reading and noting time): 100% OR Examination (1 hour writing time plus 30 minutes reading and noting time)): 50% + Assignment (4000 words): 50%

Contact Hours: Three hours of lectures per week

Prerequisites: LAW1100 or LAW1101 and LAW1102; LAW2100 or LAW2101 and LAW2102; LAW2200 or LAW2201 and LAW2202

Corequisites: LAW5104