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Facilities planning and design ( 6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: B Chen

Clayton First semester 2006 (Day)

Synopsis: Definition and strategies of facilities planning; relationships between facilities planning and other business activities. Plant layout theory and flow analysis techniques. Space requirement and layout. Introduction to quantitative approach and computer aided layout. The material handling equation. Material handling equipment: conveyor, cranes and fork lift trucks and robots. Warehousing systems. Human factors and ergonomics: ergonomics for preventing workplace injuries and in design of workstation layout; overview of human anthropometry and its associated data; task analysis in an ergonomic context and physiology, design of controls, memory and vigilance, and vision.

Assessment: Examination (3 hours): 70% + Assignments and projects: 30%

Contact Hours: 22 lectures, 22 hours laboratory and practice classes

Prohibitions: IND3311