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Undergraduate |
Leader: Christina Twomey
Clayton Second semester 2006 (Day)
Synopsis: The unit explores the relationship between genocide, ethnic cleansing, and war during the Twentieth Century. Whether one looks at the fate of the Armenians during World War I, the Holocaust, or the massive genocide committed by the German army, SS, and police in Eastern Europe, all these atrocities were committed in the course of "Total Wars". The subject will further examine how Twentieth century states mobilised the resources and loyalties of their nations in the pursuit of "total war". The total mobilisation of resources as well as the threat of the total annihilation of entire populations was among the most consequential features of warfare during the Twentieth century.
Objectives: Students successfully completing this unit will be able to demonstrate: 1) the ability to discuss in an informed way the relationship between modern wars, genocide, and ethnic cleansings. 2) An understanding of the ways in which different countries have mobilised the resources of their economies and the loyalties of their subjects for the conduct of total war. 3 the ability to assess the impact of war on civilians and soldiers. 4) an understanding how total war shaped different forms of national memory. 5) the ability to assess critically visual sources and their contributions to historical memory. 6) the ability to analyse a variety of written historical sources. 7) the development of skills for collaborative learning and group work. 8) the acquirsition of solid writing and oral presentation skills.
Assessment: Visual Source Exercise (900 words): 20% Reflective Essay (1800 words): 40% One and a half hour examination (1500 words):30% Tutorial participation: 10%
Contact Hours: Two hours of lecture and one hour tutorial