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Postgraduate research supervision ( 6 points, SCA Band 0, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Dr A Onsman

Clayton Second semester 2006 (Day)

Synopsis: This unit facilitates the development of the postgraduate research supervision skills. It is based on the premise of reflective practice and participants are required to be concurrently co-supervising a postgraduate research student so that they can consider their own supervising beliefs and practices in relation to current research knowledge and recognized good practices. The unit introduces participants to the policies, regulations and practices of Monash university. It will consider issues that arise from different disciplinary models of postgraduate supervision, the changing supervisory relationship and the stages of the task.

Objectives: Participants will have a choice of either: Optrion (a) a reflective journal (1000 words equivalent) + a reflective essay (2000 words). OR Option (b) Assignment 1 (1000 words) + Assignment 2 (1000 words). + Assignment 3 (2000 words).

Assessment: Participants will have a choice of either: Option (a) a reflective journal (1000 words equivalent) + a reflective essay (2000 words). OR Option (b) Assignment 1 (1000 words) + Assignment 2 (1000 words) + Assignment 3 (2000 words).

Contact Hours: Equivalent 2 hours per week contact hours (face-to-face and on-line)

Prerequisites: First degree or equivalent

Corequisites: Concurrently co-supervising