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Processing and Deployment of Image Data in GIS ( 6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Xuan Zhu

Clayton First semester 2006 (Flexible)
Clayton Second semester 2006 (Flexible)
Clayton Summer 2006 (Flexible)

Synopsis: After an introduction to the history and nature of image analysis, with emphasis on early forms (eg air photos) modern digital multi-spectral and hyperspectral data from both active and passive remote sensing systems are introduced. Thus the nature of information in the time series land-cover change archive can be assessed, appropriately analysed, and the value of the results documented. Image Processing will be taught using ESRI Image Analyst.

Assessment: Practical exercises: 60% + 2 hour theory exam: 20% + Written assignments: 20%

Corequisites: GYM4920, GYM4610