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Leadership and organisation ( 12 points, SCA Band 0, 0.250 EFTSL)


Leader: Professor P C Gronn

Clayton First semester 2006 (Evening)
Clayton First semester 2006 (OCL)
Hong Kong Term 3 2006 (OCL)
Singapore Term 3 2006 (OCL)

Synopsis: Definitions of leadership and models of organisational leadership. Topics include: leadership formation and leadership as a career; the values and styles of leaders; organisational vision and mission statements; the identities of leaders; succession, selection and induction processes; heroic and post-heroic models of leadership, including distributed leadership; leadership standards.

Objectives: Upon completion of this unit students can be expected to have a better understanding of the nature of leadership as a context-bound, attributed status; leadership as a socially and institutionally constructed phenomenon; the typical means by which leaders learn and acquire their leadership and construct career trajectories; current issues, topics and recent trends in leadership theory and practice, particularly as these apply in a variety of policy contexts, educational and non-educational settings; and the demands confronting all types of leaders in a variety of contexts and workplaces.

Assessment: 2 Essays (2 x 4000 words each): 50% each - totalling 100%

Contact Hours: 3 hours per week