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Psychology extension 1 ( 12 points, SCA Band 1, 0.250 EFTSL)


Leader: Associate Professor Neville King

Clayton First semester 2006 (Evening)
Clayton First semester 2006 (OCL)
Clayton Second semester 2006 (Evening)
Clayton Second semester 2006 (OCL)

Synopsis: The Psychology thesis is a research study, focusing on a particular theory, issue, challenge, dilemma, concern or problem in the field of psychology undertaken with a supervisor. Although students will be expected to demonstrate initiative and independence, the supervisor will offer guidance, support and feedback over the course of the research. The thesis is designed for students who are intending to undertake further higher degree studies. Graduates who have successfully completed the Psychology thesis will be able to use this 16,000 word study as evidence of independent research experience in an application for entry into the PhD or Doctor of Education programs.

Objectives: By the completion of this unit (and EDF6535 Psychology thesis part 1, EDF6536 Psychology thesis part 2), students should be able to produce a thesis that displays competence at understanding and carrying out research in the field of psychology, but with less emphasis on comprehensive knowledge and originality as required in a PhD or EdD. Specifically, they should be able to: 1. Devise a research topic to investigate that is feasible within the two-unit time frame 2. identify key research questions that are not too general and ambitious 3. Select and review relevant theory and literature 4. Design a study and choose appropriate methods to investigate research questions 5. Select appropriate modes of analysis 6. Consider ethical issues involved in research 7. Implement, critically appraise or apply research in a particular field 8. Prepare a comprehensive written report that is professionally presented and contains all the required components including a bibliography at the end

Assessment: The Master of Psychology research component is a 5,000 - 7,000 word literature review (30%) and an empirical 9,000 - 11,000 word research report (70%) in journal article format (together with EDF6535, EDF6536).

Contact Hours: 24 hours per week

Prerequisites: EDF6535 and EDF6536. Students may, under extenuating circumstances, require more time to complete their theses. A case needs to be made and with support of their supervisors.