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Curriculum: design, critique and change ( 12 points, SCA Band 0, 0.250 EFTSL)


Leader: Dr. J Mitchell

Peninsula First semester 2006 (Day)
Clayton Second semester 2006 (Evening)
Clayton Second semester 2006 (OCL)

Synopsis: This Unit builds skills in the systematic analysis and critique of current curriculum policy, theory and practice. Students investigate curriculum culture drivers - philosophy, values and orientation - and relate these to the multiple perspectives of key stakeholders. Alternative models for curriculum design, construction, implementation and evaluation are explored along with practical models of curriculum change in real learning contexts. Students negotiate the setting in which they locate their curriculum inquiry in order that it becomes a worthwhile and practical task. The Unit is useful for people in a curriculum leadership role in a range of contexts, including schools.

Objectives: At the completion of this Unit, students will be able to: 1. identify and discriminate between the intended, enacted and realised curriculum; 2. use key concepts in curriculum theory to develop criteria for critically analysing curriculum policy, principles and practices, as evidenced in materials and documentation; 3. systematically inquire into and critique a curriculum - including its philosophy, values, culture, orientation and constituent elements; 4. propose feasible investigative processes to evaluate the appropriateness and efficacy of a curriculum-in-action from the multiple perspectives of various stakeholders; 5. design appropriate curriculum for specific groups of students, incorporating key features of quality curriculum; 6. construct practical curriculum change initiatives that take into account both the complexities of change and the interests of the stakeholders.

Assessment: 1. A Reaction Paper on a curriculum design challenge (2000 words, 25%) with an accompanying oral or powerpoint presentation (10%, equivalent to 1000 words); 2. A Curriculum Critique and Change Paper (5000 words, 65%).

Contact Hours: 18 hours per week including 3 hours in class (evenings)