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Health education A ( 6 points, SCA Band 0, 0.125 EFTSL)

Undergraduate, Postgraduate

Leader: Dr Z Pawlaczek

Clayton First semester 2006 (Day)
Gippsland First semester 2006 (OCL)
Gippsland S1-55 2006 (Open Learning)

Synopsis: This unit introduces students to a holistic approach to health education, exploring interrelationships between the physical, mental, social and environmental domains. Students will be given the opportunity to develop health skills and knowledge through exploring the profession within the context of local and global environments, its theoretical backgrounds and practical application. The unit will examine the relationship between health education and health promotion drawing from different policy, economic, social and organizational perspectives. In particular concepts of behavioural change will be explored and related to specific and contemporary health issues.

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, students should be able to: describe the profession of health education and health promotion within the context of the school and global environments using appropriate terms; outline theoretical bases for the discipline including implementation theory, change theory and theories associated with an ecological perspective; provide a brief historical account of health education and outline its impact socially, economically, and politically; explain interrelationships between the physical, mental, social and environmental aspects of health within local and global environments; discuss major public health issues and the strategies used to detect, measure and address them; communicate and or create links with health associations at both the local and international level; integrate health into the school curriculum and school community through using a variety of holistic strategies that impact within and beyond the classroom; facilitate others to take part in the development of health skills and knowledge through theory and practice.

Assessment: Engagement Portfolio: 70% (equivalent of 2800 words) + Negotiated Assignment: 30% (Varied presentation options available; 1200 words equivalent)

Contact Hours: 3 hours per week

Prerequisites: A minor study covering areas of Health, Human Development, Family and Nutrition, Health and wellness