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Learning and teaching A ( 6 points, SCA Band 0, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Mr D Zyngier (Peninsula) + Dr M Plunkett (Gippsland)

Gippsland First semester 2006 (Day)
Peninsula First semester 2006 (Day)

Synopsis: This unit will consider the issues of how teachers can best recognize and engage with difference of learners 5 -12 years. A range of theories of development and learning and the implications for teaching practice in the primary school setting will be explored. The unit prepares pre-service teachers to critically reflect on their understanding and knowledge of learner development in the context of cultural knowledges as a basis for identifying and responding to group and individual difference and development in socially just ways.

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, students should have acquired an understanding of learning theories and frameworks within the context of recognition and engagement with student difference and diversity; principles and strategies for effective learning and teaching with specific reference to child development, values, beliefs and group identity; skills in planning and managing individual, small group and sequential learning sessions, including means of assessing and reporting what students learn.

Assessment: Case Study (Equivalent to 2400 words): 60% + Seminar Paper (Equivalent to 1600 words): 40%

Contact Hours: 3 hours per week