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Gifted education in the classroom ( 6 points, SCA Band 0, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Dr M Plunkett

Gippsland Second semester 2006 (Day)
Gippsland Second semester 2006 (OCL)

Synopsis: Theory and practice of teaching gifted and talented students in Australia, especially Victoria. Effective strategies for identifying and catering for gifted students. Topics include conception of giftedness and characteristics of gifted students; identification of gifted students, including underachiever; instructional models of giftedness, multiple intelligences and learning styles; catering for the gifted - grouping, acceleration, enrichment, differentiation, assessment, thinking skills, and metacognition

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit students should have developed the following attitudes and values; a commitment to reflection and analytical thought in relation to their reading of unit material; a willingness to utilise thinking skill strategies in their curriculum development to ensure all levels of students are engaged in the learning process; and an awareness of the special cognitive and socio-emotional needs of gifted students.

Assessment: Reflective journal (3000 words equivalent): 70%; and Practical application (1000 words equivalent): 30%