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Curriculum studies: primary English 2 ( 6 points, SCA Band 0, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Dr J Rennie (Gippsland) + Dr G Auld (Peninsula)

Gippsland Second semester 2006 (Day)
Peninsula Second semester 2006 (Day)

Synopsis: This unit will focus on the teacher's roles in developing language learners and in understanding the English curriculum as a Key Learning Area with a particular emphasis on years 3-6 to follow on from the early years focus of Primary English 1. Aspects of planning, teaching and evaluation and assessment in the English curriculum will be integrated in this unit. It will also highlight approaches to reading and writing development and teaching techniques for effective development in Primary aged children. The unit will also feature appropriate Learning Technologies and involve students in the examination of a range of current Literacy approaches implemented in school settings

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit the student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of recent theory and practice in teaching English in the Primary School with particular focus on years 3-6; plan and deliver sequences of English teaching episodes in appropriate settings; demonstrate an understanding of a range of assessment approaches and techniques in Primary English teaching and learning; describe current theories about literacy learning and teaching; apply Learning Technologies to primary English teaching and learning demonstrating an awareness of their potential as learning tools; demonstrate skills in sensitive classroom observation of English learners; demonstrate an awareness of the range of the English Curriculum Outcomes and their relationship to the planning, teaching and evaluation cycle; articulate a personal philosophy of language and literacy teaching as a professional in the primary school.

Assessment: Assignment 1: Planning and implementation of a set of 3 lessons around a theme or Children's Literature text. 2,000 words equivalent: 50% + Assignment 2: An essay. 2000 words: 50%.

Contact Hours: 3 hrs per week

Prerequisites: EDF1203