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Principles of everyday behaviour analysis in education ( 6 points, SCA Band 0, 0.125 EFTSL)



Not offered in 2006.

Synopsis: This unit introduces some important applications of behaviour analysis in education, including fluency training, precision teaching, self-management training, and direct instruction. Students will learn about the concepts of behaviour change that inform (and that are informed by) these applications, including positive reinforcement and methods of gradual behaviour change, such as shaping, fading, chaining, and general case programming.

Objectives: On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to list, define, and provide examples of the elementary principles of behaviour analysis, including reinforcement, extinction, differential reinforcement, shaping, chaining, discrimination training, and fading; find their way around in the literature of behaviour analysis, collect information from that literature, and present succinct summaries of empirical articles; use the main methods of collecting, analyzing, and presenting data that are found in the literature of behaviour analysis.

Assessment: Brief weekly tests based on weekly reading assignments (2500 words, 60%) and a portfolio of work based on weekly classroom activities (1500 words, 40%).

Contact Hours: 2 hours per week