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Learning technologies in sport and outdoor recreation ( 6 points, SCA Band 0, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Dr M Dyson

Not offered in 2006.

Synopsis: Information technology including communication systems, databases, research support programs and information presentation methodologies to enhance the administrative and marketing promotional aspects of sport and recreation activities. Word processing, spreadsheet operations, desktop publishing, multimedia presentations, HTML and computer communications are included.

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit students should understand in general terms the structure, organisation and mode of operation of a multimedia computer system; have developed basic understandings and user skills necessary for the effective use of a multimedia computer; understand and appreciate the role of learning technologies in secondary education and in Sport and Outdoor education; understand the issues and appreciate the potential of telecommunications as a teaching and learning tool; possess a basic understanding of the concepts underlying word processing, desktop publishing, multimedia authoring, the Internet, presentation software, spreadsheets, and databases, and the rationale underpinning their use in the classroom; and have developed an understanding of the logistics of using learning technologies as part of the teaching and learning process; utilise computer applications for research; identify and utilise computer communications and applications in the area of sport and outdoor recreation; create a basic web page relating to a theme of Sport and Outdoor Education; create a multimedia marketing/promotional product/presentation.

Assessment: Project work (3 x 1000 words each): 25% each + Class test: 25%

Contact Hours: 3 hours per week