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Introduction to sport fitness and outdoor recreation ( 6 points, SCA Band 0, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Ms T Philpott

Gippsland First semester 2006 (OCL)
Peninsula First semester 2006 (Day)

Synopsis: This unit provides beginning BSOR students the chance to engage in theoretical and practical experiences that underpin the disciplines. The unit grounds historical and contemporary practices with the intent on establishing future directions for graduates. Practically, the unit develops skills across the discipline including planning, implementing and teaching fundamental motor skills through the use of minor games, thematic skill based components and structured physical activities. In addition, leadership, organisation and group management skills are introduced through initiative activities and applied during introductory outdoor experiences. This unit includes four days of field programs.

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Articulate their chosen field of study to a lay person and outline potential career directions. 2. Successfully negotiate their way through the University environment having established an understanding of the support, resources and expectations associated with their studies. 3. Describe the fields of sport, health, physical education, outdoor recreation, outdoor education, and outdoor environmental education within the context of local and global environments using appropriate terms. 4. Present an understanding of the historical, contemporary and future directions for their chosen field of study. 5. Review, critique and communicate their chosen field of study utilising a range of skills appropriate to university level study (library resources, information technology, word processing, referencing, etc.) 6. Provide an explanation for different theoretical and perspective bases for the discipline (in particular associated with physical activity) including socio-critical, socio-ecological, meso- and macro-environmental, and theories associated with intrapersonal processes. 7. Create an argument for a trans-disciplinary approach to their field that demonstrates a broad understanding of factors across different domains and life stages. 8. Ground some of the different theoretical perspectives of their field of study through exploring the lived educative experience (particularly relevant to practicals). 9. Apply sound pedagogical approaches to: (a) Developing fundamental motor skills through game play.; (b) Fostering team building, trust and initiative. 10. Engage safely in introductory practical experiences (outdoor and indoor) having acquired a basic level of knowledge and experience.

Assessment: Assignment 1: 50% (2000 words) + Assignment 2: 50% (2000 words): 50%+ Hurdle requirement: 80% attendance at practicals/tutorials + satisfactory completion of introductory outdoor experiences( 4 day s)

Contact Hours: 3 hrs per week