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Electronic test technology ( 4 points, SCA Band 2, 0.083 EFTSL)


Leader: S Demidenko

Malaysia Second semester 2006 (Day)

Synopsis: Electronic testing in IC fabrication cycle; the importance and organisation of testing within technological process; test equipment used in industry to verify the correct operation of digital integrated circuits (generic architecture, main modules of a tester and their operation, computer-aided test engineering tools, test system programming, device interface board design), digital test methodologies (DC parametric, AC, functional and IDDQ tests), semiconductor memory testing, introduction to analog and mixed-signal testing, failure analysis techniques; Design-for-Testability and Built-In Self-Test and their implication of test technology, test data collection and analysis; test economics.

Assessment: Final examination (3 hours): 70% + Laboratory and assignment work: 30%

Contact Hours: 2 hours lectures weekly, 2 hours of practice classes fortnightly, 2 hours of labs fortnightly and 4 hours of private study