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Programming languages and implementation ( 6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL)



Clayton Second semester 2006 (Day)
Malaysia Second semester 2006 (Day)

Synopsis: The four main programming language paradigms: imperative, functional, logic and object oriented. Example languages and their applications. The implementation of programming languages by means of interpreters and translators will be discussed. This will include parsing techniques, compiler construction and implementation techniques for language features which are paradigm specific.

Assessment: Assignments: 30%; Examination (3 hours): 70%.

Contact Hours: Two x 1 hr lecture/week, One x 1 hr prac/fortnight

Prerequisites: CSE2303 or CSC2030, CSE2304 or CSC2040, and CSE2305 or CSC2050

Prohibitions: CFR3160, CSC3220, SFT2207, SFT3207.