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Chinese 9 ( 6 points, SCA Band 1, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Lijian Hong

Clayton First semester 2006 (Day)

Synopsis: Building on and consolidating the work completed in previous Chinese studies, this unit will introduce students to a range of literary writings in Chinese extracted from significant works by modern authors.

Assessment: Class participation and performance: 10% + Two essays (1000 Chinese characters each): 40% + Seminar presentation paper (1000 Chinese characters ): 20% + Oral presentation: 10% + Written examination (2 hours): 20%

Contact Hours: 3 hours (3 x 1 hour seminars) per week

Prerequisites: A credit in CHI2080 or permission

Prohibitions: CHI1090, CHI2090, CHI4090, CHI4099, CHI5090