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Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Coordinator: Professor John Bertram (Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology)

The discipline

Anatomy is a key biomedical discipline relating structure to function from cells to the whole body that provides the foundation on which other human life sciences are built. Human anatomy is the study of the form and function of the entire human body (thorax, abdomen/pelvis, limbs, head/brain) from conception to adult form.

The teaching program incorporates elements of gross anatomy, embryology, developmental biology, organ and tissue biology, cell biology and principles of neurobiology. These units are not only important in the context of a complete scientific training in human biology but also provide an important structural basis for the study of physiology, biochemistry, pathology, pharmacology, microbiology and psychology.

Core teaching in gross anatomy is centred on active dissection and/or the study of prosected human material. This is complemented by the study of living anatomy and the use of a range of imaging techniques including computerised tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). All aspects are further complemented by self-directed study using a variety of computer-based teaching tools. The emphasis at all times is on the relationship between structure and function.

Units offered

Level two

  • ANT2311 Human anatomy 1: musculo-skeletal system
  • ANT2321 Human anatomy 2: organs, tissues and body systems
  • ANT2342 Human anatomy 3: thorax, abdomen and pelvis
  • CEL2012 Cell biology 1

Level three

  • ANT3031 Anatomy of head, neck and brain
  • ANT3032 Medical laboratory technology
  • ANT3042 Introduction to anatomy and cell biology research
  • ANT3052 Human development from conception to birth
  • CEL3011 Cell biology 2
  • HUP3011 Human pathology 1
  • HUP3022 Human pathology 2

Sequence requirements


Minor sequence in anatomy (24 points):

Major sequence in anatomy (48 points):

Human anatomy

Major sequence in human anatomy (48 points):

Details of the CEL and HUP units, and some related sequences, are described in the ‘Cell biology’ and ‘Human pathology’ entries in this section of the handbook.


Level two

Students entering second year have an option of commencing a sequence of studies in gross anatomy, which will commence with ANT2311 and ANT2342 and be completed in ANT3031 at level three. This program is recommended for anatomy students planning future studies in medical or paramedical areas. It is also recommended for anatomy students who are uncertain about their future career as it allows for maximum flexibility in career choice.

The functional understanding of gross anatomy depends on an integrated knowledge of the microscopic structure of organs and tissues. Two complementary units covering the microscopic anatomy of tissues and organs: ANT2321 and CEL2012 allow students to build a fully integrated program of up to 24 points in anatomy at level two.

Level three

Students commencing level three who have completed ANT2321 will have gained a firm foundation for studying HUP3011 and HUP3022. CEL3011 provides further studies in cell biology as well as the opportunity to undertake a research project in a professional research laboratory.


Students who have completed appropriate studies at level three may be offered the opportunity to pursue a fourth year at honours level involving laboratory research in the areas of cell and/or organ biology under the supervision of a staff member. Details of units can be found at

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