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Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Psychology and Business

Course code: 3863 + Course abbreviation: BPsych&Bus + Total credit points required: 144 + 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Gippsland; Peninsula; South Africa)
Off campus (Peninsula; Singapore)

Course description

This course is intended for students who wish to apply psychological training to work in a business environment. Students acquire a fundamental understanding of the major principles of psychology and are exposed to a broad cross-section of topics relevant to applied and professional psychology. They also acquire a basic knowledge of core business disciplines and specialised knowledge in one business area, and develop an understanding of psychology in a business environment.

Through the development of effective interpersonal and communication skills, the mastering of essential research design procedures, statistical analyses and methods of written and oral communication relevant to the fields of psychology and business, students will have enhanced their ability to develop careers in psychology, or a specialised business area. Eligible graduates may progress to postgraduate studies and/or research.

Course structure

The course consists of a 10-unit undergraduate major sequence in psychology from the Department of Psychology; six core business units from the Faculty of Business and Economics; and an eight-unit major in any major sequence offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics on the campus at which the student is enrolled.

Course requirements

First year
First semester
Second semester
Second year
First semester
  • PSY2031 Developmental and biological psychology
  • PSY2051 Research design and analysis
  • Two units of an eight-unit business major*
Second semester
  • PSY2042 Cognitive and social psychology
  • PSY2112 Organisational psychology
  • Two units of an eight-unit business major*
Third year
First semester
  • PSY3041 Psychological testing, theories of ability and ethics
  • PSY3051 Perception and personality
  • Two units of an eight-unit business major*
Second semester
  • PSY3032 Abnormal psychology
  • PSY3062 Research methods and theory
  • Two units of an eight-unit business major*

    * Refer to the Faculty of Business and Economics section of this handbook for details of business units available at each campus.

Contact details

Telephone: +61 3 9905 3968



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