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Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Social and Community Welfare

Course code: 1731 + Course abbreviation: BSoc&CommWelf + Total credit points required: 144 + 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Gippsland)
Off-campus (Gippsland P/T only)
Multimode (Gippsland)

Course description

Graduates of this course will be qualified for employment in a wide variety of urban and rural, community and social welfare positions. Students develop values, skills and knowledge appropriate to working with individuals, families, groups and communities at interpersonal, group, organisational and government levels. Students will be qualified for practice in a range of fields, such as interpersonal and group counselling, crisis intervention, research and policy, casework and case management, community development, and management of human services organisations. The course also establishes a sound academic base for further study at postgraduate level.

Special requirements

All applicants are required to complete a social and community welfare course administration form, available from the School of Humanities, Communications and Social Sciences, or Applicants will be short-listed on the basis of information contained in this form. Short-listed, on-campus applicants will be invited to attend a compulsory interview in early December and must also apply through VTAC. Short-listed off-campus learning applicants may be required to do a telephone interview, depending on when they submit their application. Applicants are strongly advised that entry into the course is not solely on academic criteria. Other factors such as work and life experience, personal qualities and maturity are also taken into account.

Course structure

Course requirements

Students must complete the following:

(a) A social and community welfare sequence (84 points).

(b) Two compulsory supporting units (12 points) -- either PSS1711* or PSS1712* and either SCY1801 or SCY1802.

(c) A further 48 points in arts, including 12 points at first-year level.

(d) A minimum of 36 points at third-year level.

Students must select their arts elective units from the following disciplines: Australian studies, Australian Indigenous studies, communications, community studies, history-politics, journalism, philosophy, psychological studies, psychology, sociology or writing. It is recommended that students use their elective units to complete an arts major or minor.

    * The psychological studies units are provided to give an introduction to understanding our behaviour, which is particularly tailored to those students intending to proceed in the social and community field. Students may choose to replace the psychological studies units with psychology units PSY1011 and PSY1022.
    # Students who wish to complete an arts major must complete SCW2310 instead of SCW3310.

Note that no more than 10 units (60 points) are to be completed at a first-year level.

Students have a maximum of eight years to complete this course.

Group learning

In some experientially based units, the focus of group learning combines a compulsory weekend school and group work with fellow students in their own locality. University staff will facilitate the establishment and maintenance of such area study groups.

Professional recognition

This course is recognised by the Australian Institute of Welfare and Community Workers.

Contact details


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