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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Master of Arts in Anthropology and Sociology by coursework and research

Course code: 2846 + Course abbreviation: MA(Res&Cw) + Course fees: domestic students - fee-waived RTS places available + 1.5 years full-time, 3 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton)

Course description

This course provides students who already have an honours degree in anthropology, sociology or other cognate disciplines with the opportunity to expand, update and deepen their knowledge and understanding. Students may choose such a program for various reasons, including the desire to pursue their own intellectual interests, gain more specialised and detailed understanding of a particular area, acquire technical and applied skills and knowledge, or prepare themselves for a PhD and a career in research and teaching. Mid-year entry is available.

Entry requirements

Applicants should have an honours degree with a grade of H2A or above in a relevant discipline (or equivalent qualification) or a masters qualifying with a research component in anthropology and sociology with an overall grade of H2A or above as well as a distinction or above in the research component. Applicants without previous experience who have a postgraduate degree such as a fourth-year-level graduate diploma or a masters by coursework with grades of distinction or above in at least three-quarters of the units may be admitted to a 66% research degree, and as part of the required 24 points of coursework units enrol for a 12-point supervised research project.

Course structure

The course comprises two 12-point units selected from those listed below and a thesis of 20,000 to 25,000 words (66%). Alternative units may be taken with the approval of the school graduate coordinator.

  • SYM5005 Qualitative research strategies
  • SYM5015 Secondary analysis of official statistics
  • SYM5025 Survey research
  • SYM5045 Applied statistics
  • SYM5055 Application of computer techniques
  • SYM5065 Issues in public policy
  • ASM5100 Violences
  • ASM5290 Into the field: the theory and practice of ethnography
  • ASM5800 Special ASM unit
  • PLM5140 Grand theories of politics
  • RLM5100 Religion in Australian society
  • SWM5140 Policy, program planning and evaluation I
  • SWM5160 Child abuse, child protection and the state

External candidature

Candidates undertaking a 66% research load will normally be required to enrol for all of the units in the coursework component on Clayton campus and may then apply for transfer to external candidature.

Minimum pass grade

The minimum pass grade for units in the Master of Arts in Anthropology and Sociology is 60 C, ie a grade of credit or above is required in every unit and for the thesis.

Contact details

Course coordinator

Dr Jan van Bommel and Dr Brett Hough

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