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Introduction to art and design health and safety ( 0 points, SCA Band 2, 0.000 EFTSL)



Caulfield First semester 2005 (Day)
Gippsland First semester 2005 (Day)
Caulfield Second semester 2005 (OCL)
Gippsland Second semester 2005 (Day)

Synopsis: An introduction to occupational health, safety and environmental training within the context of courses within the Faculty of Art & Design, together with an understanding of the historical perspectives and context of safety and environment concerns in the workplace. The difference between hazard and risk, and the process of risk assessment in workplaces.

Objectives: On successful completion of this unit, students will: 1.have an understanding of the nature of health and safety in the workplace, community expectations, and the relevant legislation; conversant with procedures for dealing with emergencies; 3.have an understanding of the terms hazard, risk, risk assessment, and risk management, and an understanding of the procedures for assessing and managing risk; able to identify the main types of hazard which may be encountered in studios and workshops, chemical, physical, and biological; 5.have an understanding of the importance of controlling risk and how this is done.

Assessment: Examination: 100%

Contact Hours: 1 hour lecture and one study hour per week

Prerequisites: admission to any Art and Design course