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Introduction to Japanese Sociolinguistics ( 6 points, SCA Band 1, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Assoc Prof Helen Marriott

Not offered in 2005.

Synopsis: This unit introduces students to the study of the basic aspects of the Japanese language and system of communication, as well as intercultural communication. Topics include communication problems, speech acts, politeness, discourse structure.

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit students will: 1. Have developed their understanding of the discipline of sociolinguistics and to be able to employ some of the terminology used within it. 2. Have increased their knowledge about communicating in Japanese or English with native speakers of Japanese. 3. Have improved their understanding of the processes of communication found in native Japanese communication situations as well as in intercultural contact situations. 4. Have improved their competence in communicating in their second (or third) language. 5. Have developed a knowledge of enquiry techniques employed in sociolinguistics. 6. Have improved their skills in reading critically, analysing, writing and presenting reports.

Assessment: Critical review (2500 words): 50% + Examination (2 hours): 50%

Contact Hours: 2 hours (1 x 1 hour lecture and 1 x 1 hour tutorial) per week

Corequisites: Japanese 4 or equivalent

Prohibitions: JPS3130