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Signals and systems 2 ( 4 points, SCA Band 2, 0.083 EFTSL)


Leader: T Ho

Clayton First semester 2005 (Day)
Malaysia First semester 2005 (Day)
Malaysia Second semester 2005 (Day)

Synopsis: Introduction to systems, networks and signals. Analysis of higher order systems and networks by Laplace transforms. Two-port description and matrix representation of networks. Frequency and time responses of systems and networks. Digital signals and systems: sequences, discrete-time systems, signal flow graph. Z-transform and its properties. System function in z-domain. State-space formulation. Signal analysis by Fourier Transforms: convolution integral, properties of Fourier transforms, time-limited signal, periodic waveform and Fourier Series, bandlimited signal and sampling theorem.

Assessment: Examination (3 hours): 70% + Laboratory and assignment work: 30%

Contact Hours: 26 lecture hours, 26 laboratory/practice classes hours

Prerequisites: ECE2101

Corequisites: MAT3901