All engineering students should view their current enrolment details through
the Web Enrolment System (WES). Students must use Allocate+ to allocate
themselves into lectures and tutorials for the coming semester. Allocate+ is
the name of the online system used for timetabling. Allocate+ collects
information from all students on their timetable preferences and then carries
out a sorting procedure which attempts to evenly allocate students to their
preferences. It does not allocate student preferences on a
first-come-first-served basis. This makes Allocate+ the fairest lecture and
tutorial allocation system currently available. Please note that Allocate+ does
not automatically allocate students to their first preference.
Students undertaking double-degree programs should be aware that in some
circumstances due to unit selection, clashes may occur in their timetables
which may prohibit the completion of their degree in the minimum time. It is
the student's responsibility to ensure that their choice of units does not
result in a timetable clash. Timetable clashes may also occur in instances
where a student is studying units across multiple year levels and/or is
studying elective units. Students affected by timetable clashes should consult
their departmental course advisers.
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