History of pre-industrial art and design (6 points)
Offered: Caulfield First semester 2004 (Day) Gippsland First semester 2004 (Day) Gippsland First semester 2004 (OCL) Caulfield First semester 2005 (Day) Gippsland First semester 2005 (Day) Gippsland First semester 2005 (OCL)
Objectives: On successful completion of this unit, students will: 1. recognise key works of pre-industrial Western art and design and place them in the appropriate cultural climate; 2.consider the relationships between design, art and craft as mutually important partners in visual production; 3.trace the formal and iconographic sources of works of art and design and identify their impact, both historically and critically, in terms of contemporary discourse; 4.describe works perceptively and comment on them with critical discernment, attempting to evoke the expressive content of objects of art and design; 5.present their appreciation in an articulate, critical and imaginative written manner; 6.recognise critical values when conducting visual analysis and cultivate the identification of ideological bias in historical representation.
Assessment: Assignments: 70% + Slide test: 30%
Contact Hours: One 2-hour lecture, one 1-hour tutorial and 9 independent study hours per week