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Monash University Handbooks


Object oriented programming 2 (6 points)


Leader: Lindsay Smith

Not offered in 2004.


Assessment: Examination: A three-hour final examination designed to test all the subject objectives (60% of total weight).The final mark will be calculated using a weighting formula:final grade = (R*A* E)/((R-1)*A+E) where A = overall assignment percentage E = examination percentage R = 100/assignment weight

Contact Hours: The student workload requirement is 12 hours per week for 13 weeks.Students will attend 2 hours of lectures and one 2 hour tutorial/laboratory session per week. Students are expected to spend 8 hours per week on individual study and assignment work, including library and computing laboratory work beyond these normal class hours.

Prerequisites: MMS1802

Corequisites: Nil

Prohibitions: CPE1004, CSE1203, CSE1303, GCO1812

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