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Multimedia design studio 2 (18 points)


Leader: No current information available

Caulfield First semester 2004 (Day)
Caulfield Full year 2004 (Day)
Caulfield Second semester 2004 (Day)
Caulfield First semester 2005 (Day)
Caulfield Full year 2005 (Day)
Caulfield Second semester 2005 (Day)


Objectives: On successful completion of this unit, students will: 1.understand the language of interactive media and the application of multimedia design principles; 2.understand the purpose of interface design in electronic communication; 3.have an understanding of the nature of interactive media elements, including interactivity, virtual space, and multimedia authoring; 4.be able to analyse interactive media, and identify the various multimedia elements and authoring techniques used; 5.be able to identify multimedia design problems and determine the appropriate multimedia elements in response to the design problem; 6.understand and have the ability to analyse the benefits and constraints of different delivery platforms for multimedia design, including digital video, the internet, cd-rom, dvd-rom, site-specific installation, and other technologies; 7.be able to use interactivity, virtual space, and multimedia authoring as multimedia elements in electronic documents; 8.be familiar with the process of publishing an electronic media document; 9.be able to critically approach problem-solving, embracing current technological and philosophical developments in multimedia design; 10.be able to optimise a media file for a streaming from a specific delivery platform; 11.develop a self directed approach to the development of interactive media works, utilising independent research and evaluation methods; 12.be aware of the specialised roles identified in the multimedia industry, and to identify which role best matches their set of skills.

Assessment: Major project: 50% + 2 Minor projects: 30% + Research paper: (2500 words) 20%

Contact Hours: 9 hours per week of lectures and supervised studio

Prerequisites: MMD4001

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