Design theory workshop (6 points)
Offered: Caulfield First semester 2004 (Flexible) Caulfield Second semester 2004 (Day) Caulfield Second semester 2004 (Flexible) Caulfield First semester 2005 (Day) Caulfield Second semester 2005 (Day)
Objectives: On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to 1. express and interrogate the intentions of their design project, submitting it to critical scrutiny and either defending it or modifying it in the light of cultural, social or technical criticism; 2. evaluate the chosen methods by technical, social, aesthetic, environmental, functional and symbolic criteria; 3. develop strategies for identifying key directions in the field and for positioning their work relative to the state of the art; 4. develop the language for advocating the aesthetic, symbolic and ideological relevance of their work; 5. make tangible progress in developing their documentation for the degree
Assessment: Assignment 1 (1500 words): 25% Assignment 2 (3500 words): 75%
Contact Hours: 2 hour seminar and 10 independent study hours per week
Prerequisites: MDS5031 or ADM5001
Corequisites: Enrolment in 3111
Prohibitions: ADM5002