Defamation and freedom of speech (6 points)
Leader: T.B.A.
Not offered in 2004.
Objectives: Students who successfully complete this subject should (1) have a good understanding of the balance which the law attempts to achieve between freedom of speech and the protection of reputation; (2) be in a position to examine statements both oral and written and advise whether those statements, when published, are likely to be considered defamatory by the courts; (3) be in a position to advise a person who has been defamed in relation to the remedies available; (4) be able to advise on the liability of a person who wrongfully uses confidential personal information or discloses it to a third party; and (5) be able to examine the legal content conveyed in this subject through different perspectives and in particular form a view on whether the laws of defamation and confidentiality of information adequately reflect the changing needs of our contemporary multicultural society.
Assessment: Research assignment (3000 words): 40% + Final examination (1.5 hours): 60%
Contact Hours: One 2-hour seminar per week