Animal welfare in a global community (6 points)
Leader: Dr Pauleen Bennett
Offered: Caulfield Second semester 2005 (OCL)
Objectives: On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to: 1. explain current legislative controls relevant to animal welfare in several countries. 2. Defend an informed opinion about the adequacy of current legislature, using knowledge of animal welfare gained in previous units in the course. 3. Critically examin international and local roles for animal welfare advocacy and activist groups and animal welfare scientists. 4. Demonstrate a comprehensive awareness of leading international animal welfare issues. 5. Generate strategies for dealing with specific animal welfare issues. 6. Present a framework within which to assess animal welfare issues in the context of a knowledge of, and respect for, cultural differences. 7. Use online and physical resources relevant to the study of animal welfare issues efficiently and effectively. 8. Demonstrate an appropriate postgraduate level of communication skills, in both written and oral form. 9. Work collaboratively to develop a group report.
Assessment: Project report 300 words (50%), Class presentation - 30 minutes (50%).
Off-campus attendance requirements: 26 Hours of collaborative learning and discussion via phone or electronic discussion list with project group, 13 hours consultation with academic advisor via phone, email or face to face, 7 hours attendance during one, one day, on-campus workshop.
Prerequisites: GAW3010, GAW3020