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Monash University Handbooks


Creating the New: Theatre and its Experiments (12 points)


Leader: Sue Tweg

Clayton Second semester 2004 (Day)
Clayton First semester 2005 (Day)


Objectives: Students who complete this unit successfully should have developed: 1. A familiarity with some key early avant-garde texts and practitioners. 2. Some awareness of contemporary avant-garde performance texts and stylistics around the world. 3. Understanding of some foundation theories of the European avant-garde. 4. A broad appreciation of the directions of experimental theatre practice, both in Australia and overseas. 5. Confidence to articulate and theorise responses, both written and verbal, to a range of scripts and performance events. 6. The capacity for observation, documentation and critique of non-mainstream performance events. 7. Skills in written analysis and argument to support independent scholarly research for short papers.

Assessment: Two seminar presentations (1,500 words each): 30% + Short investigative performance work or 2500 word essay on the work of an innovative contemporary practitioner: 30% + An argumentative essay on selected issues in the development and/or analysis of non-conventional models of performance (3,500 words): 40%

Contact Hours: 2.5 hours per week

Corequisites: DTH4000

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