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Monash University Handbooks


Network administration (6 points)


Leader: C Freeman

Caulfield First semester 2004 (Day)
Caulfield Second semester 2004 (Day)
Caulfield First semester 2005 (Day)


Objectives: 1. Identify the tasks or roles required of network administrators. 2. Refine and extend existing knowledge of network technologies, particularly their management. 3. Understand current developments and standards for network management. 4. Identify principles involved in system and network administration. 5. Apply these princples to practical situations. 6. Analyse and classify the requirements for management of a network particularly when it is a critical part of the structure of an organisation. 7. Design and implement network management policies. 8. Identify and compare different network management techniques and strategies.

Assessment: Research report and project proposal: 40%. Network Administration Project: 60%.

Contact Hours: 4 hours.

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