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Monash University Handbooks


Social Research Methods (6 points)


Leader: Associate Professor Naomi White

Caulfield Second semester 2003 (Day)
Caulfield Second semester 2004 (Day)

Synopsis: Doing sociological research requires us to think conceptually, to obtain information and to analyse this information using methods which are clearly articulated. Because sociological research draws on people's experiences, its conduct inevitably raises ethical and political questions. In this subject, we will discuss these issues. We will also consider the various research designs and data gathering strategies available to us in our attempts to document the social world.

Assessment: Group project (3000 words): 66% + Test (1.5 hours): 34%

Contact Hours: 3 hours (1 lecture and 1 workshop) per week

Prerequisites: A first-year sequence in Sociology or permission

Prohibitions: SCY3261

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