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Monash University Handbooks


Media, Communications and Societies (6 points)


Leader: Ms Cathi Lewis

Caulfield Second semester 2003 (Day)
Clayton Second semester 2003 (Day)
Clayton Second semester 2004 (Day)

Synopsis: This unit will investigate the role of the popular media in the social construction of reality including such issues as the social distribution of knowledge; political dimensions of the information industry; competing ideologies with competing technologies; legitimation (or subversion) of the status quo; the construction and dissemination of cultural symbolism, myths and stereotypes. This will involve regular viewing of films and videos in the lecture periods.

Assessment: Class tests (1 hour): 30% + Research report (2500 words): 50% + Oral presentation (equivalent 1000 words): 20%

Contact Hours: 3 hours (2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial) per week

Prerequisites: A first-year sequence in Sociology or permission

Prohibitions: SCY3021

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