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RLM4780Thinking God: Philosophical Theology and Postmodernity (12 points)(ARTS) Leader: Robyn Horner
Offered: Synopsis: This unit concerns the relationship between thought and that which by definition cannot be thought: God. Since God must exceed any concept of God, the great difficulty for Christian theology is to reconcile belief in positive revelation with the necessary limits of human thought and understanding. The unit includes the thought of the ancient Greeks, the consolidation of "natural theology" in the medieval period, the increased antagonism between philosophy and theology in the early modern and Enlightenment periods, and various streams of thought in the twentieth century, including transcendental Thomism, Christian existentialism and postmodernism. Assessment: Seminar leadership and paper (2500 words): 30% + Essay (5000 words): 50% + Examination (1.5 hours): 20% Contact Hours: 3 hours |
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