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Theoretical Physics II (6 points)


Leader: Dr Imants Svalbe

Clayton Second semester 2003 (Day)
Clayton Second semester 2004 (Day)

Synopsis: This unit provides part of a major in theoretical physics. It consists of two 12-lecture sub-units, Advanced Quantum Mechanics ad Theory of Electrons in Nano-systems, and a 12-hour seminar sub-unit. The key areas of study are: (1) Advanced Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger formulation, matrix mechanics, basic sets, eigenvectors and secular equations, commutation relations, angular momentum, Pauli spin matrices, spin wavefunctions, Pauli's exclusion principle and symmetry; (2) Theory of Electrons in Nano-systems: electron states in small and low dimensional structures, quantum Hall effect; and (3) Theoretical Seminar: seminar participation in theoretical problems, projects and presentations.

Assessment: Examinations (2 x 1.5 hours): 48% + Assignments and seminar contributions: 52%

Contact Hours: An average of 2 hours lectures, one 1-hour tutorial and one 1-hour seminar per week

Prerequisites: PHS3131, PHS3031, MTH2010, MTH2032, MTH2021

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