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Intellectual property II: patents, trade marks and unfair Competition 506 (6 points)


Leader: Associate Professor Ann Monotti/Mrs Moira Paterson

Clayton Second semester 2003 (Day)
Clayton First semester 2004 (Day)
Clayton Second semester 2004 (Day)

Synopsis: The rationale and scope of intellectual property protection. Patents for inventions and allied rights (including plant breeders' rights); passing off and related actions that prevent acts of unfair competition (including statutory remedies under Part V, Trade Practices Act 1974); and registered trade marks. Comparative and international perspectives. The relationship between these rights and other parts of intellectual property law and competition and trade law.

Assessment: Optional written research assignment (2000 words): 30% Final examination (2 or 3 hours): 70% or 100%

Contact Hours: Three hours of lectures per week. Recorded lectures: Please note that lectures will not be taped for this unit. Timetable: Lectures are held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 15.00. However, due to timetable clashes with postgraduate classes, there will be no classes on the following dates: July 28, 29, 30 September 8, 9. NOTE: Replacement classes are scheduled for 13.00 on the following dates: August 4, 6 September 10, 15, 17.

Prerequisites: LAW3400

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