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Monash University Handbooks


Exploring Judaism: Law, Ethics and Philosophy (6 points)


Leader: Paul Forgasz

Not offered in 2003.

Synopsis: A primary concern of this unit is the way in which the ethical dimension of the Jewish religious tradition operates at both the personal and interpersonal levels. It also examines how the Jewish ethical system provides a conceptual framework of values that direct feeling and action within society. The unit also explores how Judaism, both classical and modern, responds to some of the controversial moral issues and dilemmas that are confronted by contemporary societies. This unit presents a brief, though comprehensive introduction to the ideas of selected medieval and modern Jewish thinkers and how they engage with some of the central concerns of Jewish philosophy.

Assessment: Tutorial attendance, participation and exercise (500 words): 10% + Research essay: 45% + Examination (2 hours): 45%

Contact Hours: 2 hour lecture per week and 1 tutorial per fortnight

Prohibitions: JWC3060

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