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Monash University Handbooks


Chemistry Topics I (6 points)


Leader: Dr Peter Junk

Clayton First semester 2003 (Day)

Synopsis: See CHM3931/51/71 for an overall synopsis. The units available within these subjects are as follows: CHM3931: drug discovery and development, or biological polymers and molecular recognition; CHM3951: elctroanalysis and flow analysis, or analytical separations and gas spectroscopy; CHM3971: green chemistry or energy chemistry. Full subject descriptions will be available from the coordinator prior to enrolment and decisions on appropriate combinations should be made in consultation with the coordinator.

Assessment: Students will be required to carry out 50% of the assessment in each of the subjects from which the units are taken. This will require attending two separate exams. See the subject entries for CHM3931/51/71 for other assessment details.

Contact Hours: Two 1-hour lectures, one 1-hour tutorial and the equivalent of three hours of laboratory activity per week

Prerequisites: 12 points of level 1 chemistry and 12 points of level 2 chemistry

Corequisites: CHM3911 and another 12 points of level 3 chemistry

Prohibitions: permission if completed CHM3031, CHM3042, CHM3051, CHM3062

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