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The Archaeology and History of Ancient Egypt: 1650 - 525 BCE (6 points)


Leader: Colin A. Hope

Clayton First semester 2003 (Day)

Synopsis: This unit entails the study of ancient Egypt from the end of the Middle Kingdom until its conquest by the Persians in 525 BCE. It will follow the same general themes and format as ARY 2970, but will also include an introduction to the international character of Egyptian culture throughout the period and examine Egypt's relations with the other Near Eastern and Mediterranean cultures. The unit will focus upon the New Kingdom.

Assessment: Slide test (500 words): 10% + Tutorial participation and presentation (oral and written): 20% + Essay (2500 words): 45% + Examination (1 hour): 25%

Contact Hours: 3 hours (2 lectures and 1 tutorial) per week for 10 weeks

Prerequisites: A first-year sequence in Archaeology or permission

Prohibitions: ARY3990

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