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Monash University Handbooks


Mathematics 1B


Dr Alistair Carr

6 points + Second semester + 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials per week + Gippsland/OCDL + Prerequisites: MAT1055+ Prohibitions: GAS1642, MAT1010, MAT1020, MAT1050, MAT1080

Synopsis: Topics covered include the following. Calculus: complex numbers; extension of systematic indefinite integration beyond MAT1055; extension of differential equations including homogeneous and linear ODEs; convergence of series; Taylor's theorem; partial differentiation and local extrema of functions of two variables. Linear algebra: linear systems of equations, row-reduction algorithms; linear dependence of vectors and subspace of Euclidean n-space; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; diagonalisation of matrices; applications to population growth models and mechanical systems.

Assessment: Assignments (and a class test for on-campus students): 30% + Examination (3 hours): 70%

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